Handmade one-offs, rare artisan curios, found objects and mass-produced trinkets.
Originally founded by 70 year old, retired N.Y. artist & entrepreneur, Edward J. Funkuncle.
He has two sons:
This emporium is run by younger brother, musician, Henry Funkuncle.
Calvin Funkuncle, the eldest son, owns CFC (Calvin Funkuncle Corporation), a multimillion dollar company specialising in, amongst other things, technology, argiculture and soft-porn.
CFC should not to be confused with Funkuncle.com the emporium you are now visiting.
Edward J. Funkuncle's diary here.
Almost everything here is a one-off. We love the idiosyncratic, we champion the analogue, we adore the arcane, from unusual curios to hand-made products. Found objects to single-edition lowbrow art. Retro ephemera to obsolete design. The idea is to give you one-of-a-kind, or close to it. Items are priced accordingly, ranging from 'free' to 'please leave a suitcase full of money under a chair at the airport'. But, hell, some of our stuff isn’t even for sale! Sometimes it doesn’t even exist, except in the viewer’s mind. We can’t guarantee consistency, reliability or good sense. But we do offer good intentions and (in our opinion) good taste. It’s a swashbuckling, mind-twisting, cock-punching, internet-powered marvel of modern science! | All products are tested on an expert panel of scientists, musicians, politicians and whores, then delivered to you by the mostly reliable, bubble-wrap-loving, Australian Government postage service. | So come on, tell us what you think, tell us what you don’t-think-much-of, but don't be on the fence... unless you're a freaking squirrel! Enjoy...
This is a street in Los Angeles. It is not for sale on the Funkuncle site in any true sense. However the wonderful photo is: $25. Art print. Dimensions: 900cm x 600cm
"Man Is Five. God is Ten" by Ant Keogh. 12" x 12" acrylic on canvas. SOLD. More at Antkeogh.com
Fire Hydrant, Los Angeles. $25. Art print. Dimensions: 900cm x 600cm
If you think about it, these days, many high-end retailers like,say, Prada, Gucci, Chanel (or any of that ilk, really) behave essentially just like McDonalds: they are franchises, but, in this case, franchises delivering expensive, high-end, luxury fashion rather than burgers. Just like a multinational chain, their products are delivered with uniformity, reliability and production-line speed to their carefully targeted audience. Conversely, low-end products we historically associate with mass-production, such as can openers, televisions or light bulbs often don’t work as they should or come with built-in obsolescence. As our founder, Edward J. Funkuncle, would say, “This piece of plastic shit never works like it says on the goddam pack.” It’s in this context, we humans, so organic, so individual, so of-flesh-and-blood, crave the hand-made, the idiosyncratic, and the one-off. Which of course brings us to Funkuncle.com.
Fire Hydrant, Los Angeles. $25. Art print. Dimensions: 900cm x 600cm
Fire Hydrant, Los Angeles. $25. Art print. Dimensions: 900cm x 600cm
Fire Hydrant, Los Angeles. $25. Art print. Dimensions: 900cm x 600cm
Fire Hydrant, Los Angeles. $25. Art print. Dimensions: 900cm x 600cm